Thank you for signing up with 7 Stories to tell your story!
There is nothing quite so powerful as a true, well-told story. It’s how we understand others, connect, and appreciate community. We laugh and maybe tear up together. We are all part of a greater whole, and you help make it happen.
Here are some helpful guidelines. We are an email or phone call away to assist you, by listening, coaching, and working with you to make your story really land well. Keep an eye out for upcoming storytelling workshops.
The basics are to have a beginning, middle and end -- with enough detail so the listener is in your story setting. Set the scene, guide us so we can follow the action. You chose your story because it really made an impact on you? Taught you a lesson? Was funny, and still makes you laugh? Fits the theme so well you HAD to tell it?...whatever it was, make that clear to us. We want to leave a bit changed by hearing your story. Help us.
Everyone has a different process. For some it's thinking it out instead of writing it out -- although if some word or phrase jumps out that you don't want to forget, write that down. For some people it helps to go over it in their head first, and for others it might work to write it out and then go over it. You’ll find your own approach.
- Time yourself. Practice. You need to stay within 7 minutes.
- Practice looking up and out at your audience (and the camera).
- Watch a video of a storyteller for ideas.
You can listen to past 7 Stories events on the 7 Stories YouTube channel or the B-Town Blog YouTube channel. We also recommend taking a look or listen to The Moth Radio Hour for examples of good storytelling.